Nov 30, 2016

Christmas Party

Just a reminder we will meet for the last time in 2016 on Sunday December 4 @ 6pm.  This will be a fun Christmas party so we hope you can make it and bring a friend.

Also, join us on December 11 @ 6pm for the annual Christmas Program here at church, with a dessert reception following the program.

We start back up in 2017 on Sunday January 8 @ 6pm. Hope to see you then!

Nov 14, 2016

Exceeding our Goal!

This group is amazing!  We set out to do 10 boxes but exceeded our goal.  Thank you to the parents that helped take the kids shopping--we ended up doing 15 boxes.

We talked about the kids who will receive the boxes, the joy that will shine on their faces in knowing strangers (us) on another continent packed them in love.  The boxes also get sent with the Story of Jesus, and the message of Jesus' love for everyone- our prayer is that this children will end up knowing Christ as their Savior. We also made sure to included a card, signed by every student to include in each box, then prayed for the boxes and the child that would receive the box.

It's awesome to teach this kids about serving. My hope is that during the Christmas season we can continue to show acts of kindness to our brothers and sister right here where we live and go to school.  I challenge you, as parents, to show and do these with your kids.
Setting out donations and getting organized.

Picking just the right items for each box.

Trying to get it all to fit...the boxes were stuffed!

Awesome kids learning to GIVE.


Nov 6, 2016

Serving Locally

Sunday was a great evening of serving for our Crossroads group. The kids came ready and willing to pitch in and get some work done. In the past we have raked leaves for people the last week or so of October.  This year, the weather has been so mild we couldn't really do that, leaves are still green. That was no problem for us as leaders, we asked the teams at church "How can the middle schoolers serve you?"   We were asked to do some of the leaves near the building that had fallen, clean nursery toys, empty old outreach cupboards, and even wipe out the refrigerators.  The kids did those jobs and a few others with eagerness.  Afterward we had a snack and played a few quick games of dodgeball. Thanks once again for raising kids eager to serve and be the hands and feet of Christ.

Oct 23, 2016

Setting Up To Serve

Tonight we talked about Operation Christmas Child...a project we will work on in early November. Then we set out to decorate 3 doors for the Harvest Festival.  Our Crossroads group will be passing out candy to kids from all 3 doors-be sure to check out the doors they've create.  The pictures below are at the very beginning of set up, so as not to spoil the final product.

Reminder: NEXT WEEK  October 30 we meet from 6-7:30 for an at church service project.

Oct 18, 2016


We talked about temptation this week which was great, since middle schoolers are in the thick of being tempted on a daily basis.  We watched a small snippet from Francis Chan on his sermon "When Sin Looks More Enjoyable Than God".  He displayed, using a creative hat, just what it can feel like on a daily basis.  From being tempted by money, sweets, alcohol, technology, and cheating to name a few; we could then talk about how to not sin after being tempted.  The act of being tempted isn't a sin, the choice we make after being tempted can turn into the sin.  Keeping our eyes focused on God, like an archer on his target, can help us make wise choices.  When we sin, we are turning our focus away from the target (God), and it gets harder and harder to stay focused on the "right" things.

What temptation can feel like each day for a middle schooler.
Kids acted out skits showing how they are tempted by friends; things like lying to parents, cheating on homework, stealing from others were some of the common things they face day to day.  We also played a few games were I tempted them with food and money...and a few bailed on their teams to selfishly take the food and money.

Oct 9, 2016


Integrity is TOUGH stuff!

Have you ever told a white lie? Elaborated the story a bit? Counted in your favor? Ignored the rules when nobody was looking?  Told your parents you did your homework when you didn't?  It's so easy to make a small bad choice, but after that it get's easier.  Then the medium sized lies seem smaller...and the ginormous lies, well those will just happen this one time...right?

We played a game where everyone knew the rules, but how many still cheated?  Let's just say there were some cheaters in our group.  We talked about how sometimes friends can talk us into a bad choice, yet we want friends that don't lie.  Ummmm how does that work? Each day we have to think about our story as a recording...if every action we make is recored, would we be proud to show our kids someday?

Tonight we played a pretty simple game, with simple rules and learned a little bit about what can happen any time we are given a chance to "win" a game.  Some people may have cheated, yep even at church. We talked about how easy it can be to cheat, and many of us do it daily; integrity is tough. As tough as it is we need to strive each and every day to be people of integrity.  Do the right thing, and encourage your friends to do the same.

Prepping the balloons and listening to the rules. 
Don't cheat...

It's tough to be honest...and follow all the rules. talking, or eye contact, and keep the balloons up.

Oct 2, 2016

Let' Do This!

"Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may remember. INVOLVE me and I will understand."

Tonight was about seeing how it's all done.  How do the microphones work? Where to the singers see the lyrics? Who adjusts the sound or changes the slides on Sunday morning? We have discussed the huge amount of work and volunteers it take to make worship happen on Sunday.  This is "our" church, the middle schoolers' church; a place where they can step in and be involved.  Our goal throughout this year is to have them step up, shadow in a few areas, and finally be a vital role in the service.  We look forward to having them, parents please help encourage them to join in!

Testing microphones.

Hearing and seeing what the worship team does each week. 
Mr. Hughes gives them a taste of the drums. 
Testing the shaker eggs. 
Even Dave tries out the baby grand!

Who wants to go first?

Brave Volunteers!

Showing the slide and sound booth roles.

Who wants to help?

Wrap up game...don't smile :)

Sep 25, 2016

Serving One Another

Tonight we talked about serving and use this verse as our guide.

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.  Galatians 5:13 NIV

Yes, we are free, we can make choices on how to use our time, what to do with our talents and treasures...but God calls us to serve one another, humbly in love.  We talked about how we can serve in our community and in our church.  Did you know the kids counted 30+ people are involved in one single worship service at our church alone?? Have you ever thought about every detail? Every Sunday school teacher? Slide created for the projector? Who picks the music or sings each week?

Let us not be like a old Naval Shipyard--a mothballed fleet--sitting around collecting dust, watching. We are called to get up and use our gifts--no matter what they are or how scary it may be.  We are called to serve humbly, no applause required, give back to one another SERVING.

We will be challenging the kids to serve this year, help be an example for them!
What option is easiest? Is that always the best choice?

Sometimes the risk of trying something is worth it.

Sometimes the first step in something new is the hardest.

This is why I love Middle School students...they love games still.

Sep 18, 2016

Kickoff Night!

Tonight was our Crossroads Kickoff night and we couldn't have asked for a more perfect night.  We spent time getting to know each other better, enjoying a fire, playing yard games and even had few treats!  We have a great year planned and hope to get to know this fun bunch of kids so much better. Let's see what God has planned for this group!

Your leaders this year are:
David Gardner, Matt Hughes, Kyle Johanson, Angela Rodenhouse & Erin Wolters

Feel free to e-mail if you have any questions or concerns.

S'mores making time.
Yard Games.
Chatting and snacking.
Getting to know each other.
Yum, roasted marshmallows.
Enjoying the fire.