Sep 27, 2017

Mind Games week 1-Muck comes in and never really goes out.

Using a small glass cup with some milk and a pitcher of water I demonstrated how the "world" gets into our brain, but how it will never fully get out
The milk represents things we see, hear, or do that get in our mind. Often negative things of the world that cloud our decisions.
Adding water (bible reading, prayer, Christian music) into our brains can help "clear" the muck, but never get rid of it.  We talked about ways to keep our minds clear, helping us make better choices each day.
Ephesians 5:26
“ to make her holy cleansing her by the washing with water through the word” To be transformed into the new
creation Jesus makes us, we must have our minds renewed and change how we think.
To do that, it takes filling it with God’s word.

Sep 17, 2017

Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-1110 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Tonight we discussed the Armor of God and what pieces of armor we all have in knowing Christ. Groups created there own armor.  This verse will be our theme of the year so my hope is each student will memorize this and know the power they have with Christ in their life.

  1. Shield
  2. Breastplate
  3. Belt
  4. Helmet
  5. Shoes
  6. Sword
It was another fun...and crazy night. Working with 25 kids is a blast, but I forget how much time it takes to do activities with them all!!!  I PROMISE more time at the end of next week for dodge ball 😁

Thanks for the amazing snacks tonight!!! Check out a few pictures and our theme song video.

Sep 13, 2017

Kick off Success!

We had a great time last SUNDAY evening at Crossroads Youth Group!
 Thank You all for coming.

We are looking forward to this coming Sunday 6-7:30pm.

If you are willing to help out with snacks the kids would be grateful!!  Here is a link to the sign up. If you can help out.  If you have trouble with the sign up email and we can sign you up.

If you still need to turn in a registration form print one off and have your child bring it in.  This is the permission slip needed for any activity that is off church grounds. It is also the way we get contact information in the event that we need to contact you about a date/time change, cancellation or an emergency. If you need a form it can be found on the website.

Sep 10, 2017


Please sign up to help bring snack to youth group this year. We are planning for approximately 20 kids and will update the blog if numbers change. We will have water or lemonade available to drink unless you would like to bring a drink (it's totally up to you).

Ideas for snack:

  • Chips & Salsa
  • Chips 
  • Cupcakes
  • Muffins
  • Cookies
  • Fruit/Veggies Tray
Thanks for helping contribute this year!