Verses: Colossians 3:1-17
Theme: When your heart and mind are set on Jesus, you live above the "mind games" of life.
We didn't have any pictures from this week but had some great discussions.
Here are a few questions we dug into:
1. Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?
2. Every day we’re being molded by our influences. How are you being
molded each day by your influences? How about by God?
3. What is your mind “set” on?
4. What are some ways we can be more “set” in our minds on things above?
5. How can we get rid of all the things in Col. 3:5-10 that are in our earthly
nature? (earthly nature - our natural desire to do wrong)
6. What is the hardest thing in your life to trust Jesus with? Why?
7. What’s Col. 3:17 mean to you?
8. What is the hardest part of doing everything in the name of Jesus?
9. Why do you think it’s so hard to do what Jesus wants and so easy to do
the wrong thing?
Next week we begin a new series titled Purpose.
Reminder: Donations for Operation Christmas Child are due by November 12. On November 12 we will be packing all the boxes. If you need to sign up but haven't please do so when you can. We still have some items needed for the boxes. If you are having trouble with the sign up site just email me and I can sign you up.
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