Feb 18, 2018

WORDS: What's in your head?

It was amazing to see all the secular music these kids can sing out from memory.  Just give them a few lines, the beat and off they go.  But what about God's Word? Is that buried in their head as well?  Sure, but you may have to dig a bit.

We talked about how God's word does 3 main things:

  1. Gives Power - Having God's word in our hearts and mind can give us confidence, comfort and strength in our daily life, especially when we run in to difficult times. (Hebrews 4:12)
  2. Gives Healing - physical, but often spiritual healing comes from the Word
  3. Guides us- Everyday we can be guided in good decision if we let God guide us. A great verse to memorize is this: Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and  a light for my path. 
But first we must read the Word.  Don't make excuses, do it daily, do it for understanding.

  1. Find a version of the bible that makes sense.  ESV and NLT are a good place to start
  2. Ask questions. Dig deeper or ask people who know the bible...dig until you understand it.
  3. Use resources.  Use bible websites to help guide you in reading and understanding. Or they can give you daily verses, or even a plan for reading each day.
Whatever you do- get that WORD in your head. It will help you for the rest of your life.

Enjoy these photos of the kids doing motions to popular bible songs from Sunday School.  See they do remember some of what they learned years ago!

"This little light of mine" a childhood favorite.

"Trading My Sorrows", a whole group favorite. 

Feb 12, 2018

Great Time at the Game

Well despite the winter weather we all safely made it on time to the GR Drive Basketball game on Sunday.  A good time was had by all.  Even though basketball isn't everyone's favorite thing I think it's always nice to try something different.

What an awesome group of kids!  A field trip with 50 people can sound intimidating but with these kids and some adult helpers it was so easy we are thinking of new ideas and places to go next fall and spring.

Enjoy some pictures from the game and see you next Sunday 6pm at Church.