Crossroads - Middle school youth group at Jamestown Reformed Church. (6-8th grade) 5-6:30pm
Nov 26, 2019
Nov 21, 2019
OCC packing and fun!
Oct 31, 2019
Better Late than Never!
The weeks got away from me this October!
In October we had the kids complete a Spiritual Gifts Survey to see where they have talents. It was interested to see how many kids had different gifts some had were surprises, yet many were totally predictable. It would be interesting to do this survey again in 5 years!

We also took time to do a service project for Holland Rescue Mission. We created sick packs that will be used by Holland Rescue Mission. It is good for our kids to serve others in many ways.

In October we had the kids complete a Spiritual Gifts Survey to see where they have talents. It was interested to see how many kids had different gifts some had were surprises, yet many were totally predictable. It would be interesting to do this survey again in 5 years!

We also took time to do a service project for Holland Rescue Mission. We created sick packs that will be used by Holland Rescue Mission. It is good for our kids to serve others in many ways.

Oct 14, 2019
Being the presence of Jesus to ...
Our Mission statement at JRC is "Being the presence of Jesus to each other, the community and the world." This week in Crossroads we talked about being two of these areas.
Each Other
As youth we can serve each other at church in many ways. Youth of JRC help in the nursery, children's church, VBS, and even in worship during the service. Amy, our worship coordinator came and talked about including the youth in our service on Sunday mornings. We welcome the youth to get involved, just let a leader know and we will plug them in by singing, playing an instrument, or helping with projection on Sunday mornings.
The World
We also worked on preparing for our big project of Operation Christmas Child. Crossroads has worked with the Outreach Team to be the presence of Jesus to the children of the world by filling shoeboxes for kids all over the globe. This year the kids picked goal of 135 boxes. With the help of the congregation we think we can meet that goal.
No photos this week, sometimes it just gets busy....what can I say!
Each Other
As youth we can serve each other at church in many ways. Youth of JRC help in the nursery, children's church, VBS, and even in worship during the service. Amy, our worship coordinator came and talked about including the youth in our service on Sunday mornings. We welcome the youth to get involved, just let a leader know and we will plug them in by singing, playing an instrument, or helping with projection on Sunday mornings.
The World
We also worked on preparing for our big project of Operation Christmas Child. Crossroads has worked with the Outreach Team to be the presence of Jesus to the children of the world by filling shoeboxes for kids all over the globe. This year the kids picked goal of 135 boxes. With the help of the congregation we think we can meet that goal.
Sign up to bring items for OCC HERE (link coming)
No photos this week, sometimes it just gets busy....what can I say!
Oct 10, 2019
Amazing Race: Jamestown
Amazing Race is always a favorite activity that the JRC Youth Groups do. This year was just as great as the past years. We are so thankful for people from our congregation that are always willing to host a pit stop and drive crazy kids around! Enjoy the photos from the event.
Oct 2, 2019
Making an Impact
We talked about how we, as youth, can make an impact the world around us. We talked about how we can have just as much impact in today's world as many famous people due to social media. However, to make a good impact we should think of 7 things we can do to make an impact.
- Love Others - John 13:34-35. It is when we begin to love others, not preach at them, that we begin to make an impact.
- Determine our area of Influence - Know who you connect with (neighbors, co-workers, bus mates, etc) and do a simple act of kindness.
- Get Involved - Do some Kingdom work with your church, neighborhood organization, charity, etc.
- Use the Gospel in your daily conversation - Make talking about Jesus second nature in your life. Remember it is about sharing the gospel, it's Gods job to lead them to Jesus.
- Forgive - We can't be very fruitful in making an impact if we hold onto grudges and have hearts of un-forgiveness.
- Pray for Others - Always be in prayer for others, regardless of their beliefs, health, or anything...just pray for everyone.
- Stay In the Word - God uses his Word to transform you daily.
Notice each one of these ways to make an impact is not a huge feat, but together if we all practice these imagine the impact we could have on the world around us for Christ.
Before we got started we played fruit salad - to shake up into small groups.
After our lesson we played a fun game of SNAP, CRACKLE, POP.
Sep 22, 2019
Serving Jesus (and everyone else)
We were so busy that I have zero photos from tonight! But we sure did pack a lot in.
Everyone was "served" cupcakes and drinks on silver platters and one lucky person even got his feet washed tonight!! This year we will focus on serving and the many aspects of serving.
Are we always doing dishes, babysitting or cleaning wholeheartedly or as if we are serving the Lord? Probably many of us aren't, but we should keep trying.
We used the example of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples at the last supper and what that really teaches us. Even when Jesus knew this was the last time he would be with friends before his death he chose to SERVE them, to LOVE them, to be an EXAMPLE of how he wanted them to serve. We can learn a lot from the KING of Kings washing dirty, smelly feet.
Here is a great recap video:
Everyone was "served" cupcakes and drinks on silver platters and one lucky person even got his feet washed tonight!! This year we will focus on serving and the many aspects of serving.
We looked at how we should serve - wholeheartedly.
How to serve others - as if you are serving the Lord.
We used the example of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples at the last supper and what that really teaches us. Even when Jesus knew this was the last time he would be with friends before his death he chose to SERVE them, to LOVE them, to be an EXAMPLE of how he wanted them to serve. We can learn a lot from the KING of Kings washing dirty, smelly feet.
Here is a great recap video:
Coming up:
Remember on OCTOBER 6 we will do THE AMAZING RACE: Jamestown.
Youth Group that night will be from 6pm-8pm
Sign up for Avalanche Youth Retreat will happen in October. Be watching for more details.
MS Winter Retreat (<--click there for details from Camp Geneva)
We will be looking for donations for Operation Christmas Child soon, be watching for sign up Genius. Also note that November 10 we will be packing over 100 boxes to send around the world.
Our verse for the year:
1 Peter 4:10 New Living Translation (NLT)
10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
Sep 18, 2019
Kickoff Review
We had a great first night of youth group and look forward to seeing you all next week. Here are a few housekeeping items and pictures, see you Sunday night!
SNACK SIGN UP - if you would like to help by bringing a snack sign up here we will have around 20-25 students (there is a nut allergy)
EMAIL REMINDER - if you need to get on the email reminder list sign up here
Search: @jrccrossroads - to follow us on instagram
BLOOD DRIVE - Parents, if you'd like to participate in a blood drive sign up here.
Pictures from last week:
SNACK SIGN UP - if you would like to help by bringing a snack sign up here we will have around 20-25 students (there is a nut allergy)
EMAIL REMINDER - if you need to get on the email reminder list sign up here
Search: @jrccrossroads - to follow us on instagram
BLOOD DRIVE - Parents, if you'd like to participate in a blood drive sign up here.
Join us next week from 5-6:30pm!
Pictures from last week:
Sep 10, 2019
Crossroads Kickoff!
We are excited to get back in the swing of Youth Group on Sunday evenings and hope you are too!
Crossroads is for all 6th-8th graders. We will start the year with a fun night of games, activities and laughs. We hope you can join us for the fun and always feel free to bring a friend.
We are also excited to welcome Hannah, our new Youth Director this year. She will Co-lead with Erin and slowly transition to the main leader of Crossroads. Since Hannah will be leading both Youth Groups this year you will note that the times and location of Crossroads has shifted slightly.
Our program will run from 5-6:30pm each week.
The sidebar of this blog will have the Student registration link, a snack sign up, important dates and contact information for Hannah and Erin.
Crossroads is for all 6th-8th graders. We will start the year with a fun night of games, activities and laughs. We hope you can join us for the fun and always feel free to bring a friend.
We are also excited to welcome Hannah, our new Youth Director this year. She will Co-lead with Erin and slowly transition to the main leader of Crossroads. Since Hannah will be leading both Youth Groups this year you will note that the times and location of Crossroads has shifted slightly.
We will now meet in the Youth Room, the door is just left of the main doors.
Our program will run from 5-6:30pm each week.
The sidebar of this blog will have the Student registration link, a snack sign up, important dates and contact information for Hannah and Erin.
Feb 26, 2019
February Wrap Up
February was here and gone before we could report on it! Although our Fun Night had to be rescheduled, we had a great couple weeks before that. We focused on more Bible Characters and study the traits that we can learn from them.
After we do our study we love to shake things up with interactive games and such. Enjoy the pictures from earlier in February.
Our Fun Night to Lost City will now be March 24 from 4-7:30pm. Meet at the church and be sure to sign up again if you can join us!
After we do our study we love to shake things up with interactive games and such. Enjoy the pictures from earlier in February.
Our Fun Night to Lost City will now be March 24 from 4-7:30pm. Meet at the church and be sure to sign up again if you can join us!
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