Feb 26, 2019

February Wrap Up

February was here and gone before we could report on it!  Although our Fun Night had to be rescheduled, we had a great couple weeks before that.  We focused on more Bible Characters and study the traits that we can learn from them.

After we do our study we love to shake things up with interactive games and such.  Enjoy the pictures from earlier in February.

Our Fun Night to Lost City will now be March 24 from 4-7:30pm.  Meet at the church and be sure to sign up again if you can join us!

Feb 7, 2019

Winter Fun

We held the winter olympics at the end of January and I would say fun was had by all!  We will have regular lessons February 10 & 17. Then on February 24 we will have a fun evening out at Lost City.  Parents can drop kids off at church a bit before 4pm. We hope to leave at 4 to carpool out to Holland. We plan to return to the church by 7:30pm.  Pizza and pop is provided, feel free to bring extra money for additional games or food.

If you would like to attend sign up at youth group or let me know. We are asking that each person contributes $5 to hold their spot.

Enjoy some pictures from our Winter Olympics.