Sep 22, 2019

Serving Jesus (and everyone else)

We were so busy that I have zero photos from tonight! But we sure did pack a lot in.

Everyone was "served" cupcakes and drinks on silver platters and one lucky person even got his feet washed tonight!!  This year we will focus on serving and the many aspects of serving.

We looked at how we should serve - wholeheartedly.
How to serve others - as if you are serving the Lord.

Are we always doing dishes, babysitting or cleaning wholeheartedly or as if we are serving the Lord? Probably many of us aren't, but we should keep trying.

We used the example of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples at the last supper and what that really teaches us. Even when Jesus knew this was the last time he would be with friends before his death he chose to SERVE them, to LOVE them, to be an EXAMPLE of how he wanted them to serve.  We can learn a lot from the KING of Kings washing dirty, smelly feet.

Here is a great recap video:

Coming up: 
Remember on OCTOBER 6 we will do THE AMAZING RACE: Jamestown.
Youth Group that night will be from 6pm-8pm

Sign up for Avalanche Youth Retreat will happen in October. Be watching for more details.
MS Winter Retreat (<--click there for details from Camp Geneva)

We will be looking for donations for Operation Christmas Child soon, be watching for sign up Genius. Also note that November 10 we will be packing over 100 boxes to send around the world. 

Our verse for the year:

1 Peter 4:10 New Living Translation (NLT)

10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

Sep 18, 2019

Kickoff Review

We had a great first night of youth group and look forward to seeing you all next week. Here are a few housekeeping items and pictures, see you Sunday night!

SNACK SIGN UP - if you would like to help by bringing a snack sign up here we will have around 20-25 students (there is a nut allergy)
EMAIL REMINDER - if you need to get on the email reminder list sign up here
Search: @jrccrossroads  - to follow us on instagram
BLOOD DRIVE - Parents, if you'd like to participate in a blood drive sign up here.

Join us next week from 5-6:30pm!

Pictures from last week:

Sep 10, 2019

Crossroads Kickoff!

We are excited to get back in the swing of Youth Group on Sunday evenings and hope you are too!  

Crossroads is for all 6th-8th graders.  We will start the year with a fun night of games, activities and laughs. We hope you can join us for the fun and always feel free to bring a friend.

We are also excited to welcome Hannah, our new Youth Director this year. She will Co-lead with Erin and slowly transition to the main leader of Crossroads. Since Hannah will be leading both Youth Groups this year you will note that the times and location of Crossroads has shifted slightly.  

We will now meet in the Youth Room, the door is just left of the main doors.

Our program will run from 5-6:30pm each week.

The sidebar of this blog will have the Student registration link, a snack sign up, important dates and contact information for Hannah and Erin.