Jan 17, 2017

Nehemiah 3 - The Value of Unity and Teamwork

What does the bible say about unity and teamwork?  Well in the repetitive nature of the Old Testament we can learn about it in the re-building of the wall around Jerusalem.

We discussed how many workers can make light work but there were four main points we focused on.

1.  Burdens are lighter when everyone works together.
2.  Work goes faster when everyone works together.
3.  Each person's work is important.
4.  Each person is due recognition for their work.

It's so great to get these kids playing a game and then dive into a lesson that connects to the game. They can easily answer questions and see the connections.  I think they are even surprised at how the Bible isn't so hard to connect to "real" life after all.

Enjoy these photos from the game...they were saran wrapped as a team and had to complete an obstacle course--working together.

Half way there, pretty much tied up at this point.

Building the final tower and protecting it from oncoming dodge balls.

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Hoping to make the shot for the team!

See you next week.  

Dates to remember:
January 29 meet at 5:30 for the bowling party, pick up at 8pm.
February 5 NO youth group-Hudsonville's winter break.

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