Feb 20, 2017

Serving Our Church

This evening was a great and productive night.  Kids made cookies to be used for our Sunday Fellowship time after church. They all worked hard to get the job done.

Quiet Time

February 12, we spent most of the evening reflecting on quiet time.  We even spent over 4 whole minutes in the quiet sanctuary.  Many kids said 4 minutes felt so much longer, some enjoyed the quiet, others did not.

We talked about clearing our minds and making space in our lives for quiet time with God.  At first I thought this may be a hard or boring topic; but we actually had a great conversation about it.  I pray that they can learn to make time to calm themselves and just "be".

After our discussion we tried our hand a being patient and working with partners to carefully move a spaghetti noodle...or 5 in a relay race.  A delicate task but they all ended up succeeding.

Feb 5, 2017

Bowling Fun!

We had a great time bowling!  Even though the snow tried to scares us off, we had a great turnout for a fun evening.   No Youth Group on February 5 (Hudsonville has winter break).  See you on February 12, 6-7pm.